Greening our cities

We live on a finite planet with limited land and we share land and other precious resources with our non-human kin. A healthy ecosystem benefits all living beings, including us.

However, as our world urbanizes, our cities remain polluted - in terms of the air we breathe, the soil and the water in and around cities. Worldwide, 75% of our land is degraded. In stead of spending money and energy on industrial treatments, we can use the help of our kin - plants, soil microbes, insects and other creatures.

Plants are amazing allies to help us course correct this unsustainable behaviour. They clean our air, capture and store rain water underground and provide food for insects, birds and other creatures.

Thus, greening our streets makes sense to in terms of improving our enviroment, our neighbourhoods and our own health! A win-win in every way.

Reasons to have more plants

  • Plants Clean air and reduce air pollution and (pretty obvious but needs to be stated) provide the oxygen that we breathe!

  • Plants store and capture rain water and help reduce flooding and rain water run off.

  • Flowers and fruit bearing plants and trees are a food source for insects and birds

  • More plants reduce the heat island effect of cities and cool our cities down

  • Having greenery around us is better for our mental and emotional health

  • Being around plants reduces our cortisol (stress hormone) in our bodies and promotes a feeling of wellbeing

  • Plants are also extremely useful in cleaning up our soil and water contamination.

current initiatives

How can plants help us clean our soil? Which plants are available and what do we do with them?

greening the street

Growing flowering plants on our street, starting with one treepit. Pollinator friendly flowers that benefit insects and humans

Community worm composting on my street where 30 families participate to convert our kitchen waste back into fertile soil